The group set to promote the annual Tulip Time celebration is ready to embark on an annual journey.
The Tulip Queen and Royal Court will debut on Tuesday, March 26th at 7 p.m. in the Pella Community Center. Queen Mia Andringa and attendants Ellison Ritzert, Claire Braafhart, Olivia Cunningham, and Alexa Klein will share the performance they will take to nearly 40 appearances between now and the 89th Tulip Time May 2nd through 4th, as well as unveil their Dutch costumes.
Andringa invites community members to celebrate Pella’s unique heritage.
“It’s been amazing getting to know these girls, we’ve honestly become like sisters, and it’s been so much fun, and over the past couple of months we’ve been meeting every single Sunday from 1 until 3 practicing our program, and we are excited to show it to people.”
Hear more from the Tulip Queen and Royal Court on today’s Let’s Talk Pella, which includes behind-the-scenes photos and video on the KNIA/KRLS social media channels posted this afternoon and evening.