One of the luxuries that Twin Cedars Girls Track and Field Coach has this season is he may be able to have more relays and more middle distance runners. While arguably Twin Cedars greatest ever athlete, Rylee Dunkin is now playing softball at Central College, Parker has a few of the cross country runners from this fall leftover that could make up several parts of the distance events. He adds doing that could allow the Sabers to steal some points when it comes to the conference meet.
Parker: “So we’re going to have the chance to see some different things, maybe have a few middle distance girls, then just sprinters and see if we can steal some points at the conference.”
Parker adds depth may be an issue at the conference meet with just nine girls. He says teams like Murray and Seymour, who routinely bring in over 20 athletes, will likely be able to fill all of the events and double up on some events.