
Continued discussion is on the agenda as it relates to a possible EMS essential services tax at Tuesday’s Marion County Board of Supervisors meeting.

No details were published ahead of time beyond the main schedule, but a review of the timeline will be held to discuss and take possible action on a request made by the Marion County EMS Association to no longer have Mark Raymie serve on a committee attempting to establish a recommendation to the board as it relates to ballot language and a funding formula for a possible essential services tax.

At the March 12th Board of Supervisors meeting, Raymie discussed that a separate committee he formed with city administration and leadership from Pella and Knoxville came up with a possible solution that would go back to the EMS directors and fire chiefs in the county. Ultimately, it’s up to the supervisors to place a measure on an upcoming ballot, whether that’s a special measure or on the November general election.

This week’s regular session begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Marion County Office Building at 3014 Main Street in Knoxville.