The Pella City Council held their first annual budget work session Monday evening. For fiscal year 2025, City Administration proposed a plan that would spend $69.47 million, starting this July.
A variety of issues necessitated a proposed increase in the city’s property tax rate from $10.20 to $10.75 per $1000 of valuation, the first time in 22 years a rate increase has been proposed. Among the issues leading to the change are operating costs for the city’s telecommunications utility and Pella Ambulance, construction costs and interest rates, property and liability insurance, property tax reform, and state funding decreases.
The new rate would still have to be proposed by council — and a higher maximum levy is available, at their discretion, if approved at a public hearing April 2nd.
Some of the main quality of life projects on the table are $670,000 in funding for either renovation to the Pella Soccer Complex or construction of new fields at the Pella Sports Park, as well as nearly $450,000 for improvements to the old power plant site, which will now be known as Charles Farver Park.
Additionally, the council will need to discuss how, or if, to move forward with a proposed new recreation center. Pledges for the facility were done over five years, and as it currently stands, there would not be enough available funding to start construction of the facility itself in the near-term. Those funds were also mentioned as being shared with proposed renovations to the Pella Community Center — which seemingly may be a need, as insurance may no longer cover the building in its current state. City Administration has proposed nearly $1.3 million in the coming fiscal year toward that effort and $2.6 million toward the rec center. The funding plan does outline $4 million for extension of University Street and Baseline Drive as well.
The proposed budget also includes a 10% increase in solid waste rates necessary to maintain an adequate capital improvement program for the utility, while rates for electric, telecommunications, water, and wastewater would stay the same after July 1st. The proposal also includes several infrastructure related projects such as advanced metering infrastructure for electric utility, street reconstruction projects, quality of life amenities, and existing facility improvements.
Included in this year’s budget is a proposed radio system upgrade for the Pella Police Department and a new full-time crisis intervention officer for the police department.
The Pella City Council budget workshops continue at 6:00 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex. Find a link to the full budget presentation here.
Audio from Monday Budget Workshop Session: