As part of Iowa Severe Weather Awareness Week, residents are encouraged to review hazards and safety plans ahead of the typical peak of severe weather season. Emily Feagins is the Associate Coordinator for Marion County Emergency Management and she encourages residents to begin making plans for when severe weather impacts the area.
“I just want you to make sure that you have a plan. Whether it’s talking to your family and friends about where you’re gonna go in the event that something happens, or having your go bag ready. Have those batteries and a flashlight, have that weather radio available. Make sure that you have a few bottles of water just in case you need them, just have those essentials ready to go when you need them most is most important.”
In addition to having a shelter plan, Feagins encourages residents to have multiple ways to receive notifications in the event of severe weather. The KNIA/KRLS Severe Weather Action Team is on the air for any tornado or severe thunderstorm warning for any portion of Marion and Warren Counties, with backup generators ensuring the coverage stays on if the power goes out.