The Indiana Township Fire Department is hosting their annual Firemen’s Breakfast on Saturday.
The menu for the breakfast will include biscuits and gravy with eggs and breakfast burritos. A free will donation will be held at the breakfast, which will be used to help purchase an EMS training manikin and essential fire equipment. Indiana Township Fire Department Chief Steven Watson says that the manikins are a need for the department’s more advanced training sessions.
“The current manikins we have are not advanced enough to actually be able to use them for some of the things we need to train on. It’d be important to a lot of people in the county, more than just us. We have joint trainings with other departments and it’d just be nice to be able to have that equipment in house and not have to go somewhere and get it or go pick it up from a different fire department since it’d be right here in house.”
The Indiana Township Fire Department’s annual Firemen’s Breakfast Saturday will be held at the fire station from 6-10:30 am.