The Knoxville Noon Kiwanis will hold their annual community Easter egg hunt tomorrow.
The event will be at the corner of Lincoln and Madison Streets and is for children 0-12 years old. The first 400 kids to check in will receive a starter bag courtesy of Marion County Bank. The Easter Bunny will be at the event for photos, and there will also be a separate field for children with special needs. Curt Schwanebeck with the Kiwanis Club says everyone should be prepared for when the hunt officially gets underway.
“Come a little early. You don’t need to come really early, but half an hour or so should do it. Be there by 11:00 because when Pat blows that whistle it’s all over in about three minutes.”
There will be music and announcements provided by the KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio. Hear more about the Kiwanis Easter egg hunt from Schwanebeck on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.