Marion County Public Health will be closed for training on Thursday, April 4th.
The building will host a service area wide emergency preparedness exercise and training. The service area includes Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Lucas Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne counties. All hospitals, Public Health Departments, EMS agencies, and Emergency Managers in the service area have been invited to attend.
This functional Operational Community Wide exercise will test the Service Area 1-C (SA1C) chemical preparedness and response plans in discipline specific tasks. Participants will learn and practice intraoperative communication with the 71st Civil Support Mobile Communication Unit. The 71st mobile lab unit will be on site and will demonstrate its function during an emergency. A mock Emergency Operations Center will be created, and participants will see how one functions.
All Marion County Public Health employees will participate in this training and the Public Health office will reopen for normal business hours on Friday, April 5th.