
100+ Men Red Rock presented a $10,000 check to Clay Township Fire and Rescue on Tuesday.

Clay Township Fire and Rescue is a non-profit organization of 15 volunteer emergency responders that serves Clay Township, and is on call to support Marion and Mahaska Counties. Clay Township Fire and Rescue Fire Chief Nathan Crozier says that the donation will be used toward the department’s fundraiser to purchase new self contained breathing apparatuses.

“That is what a firefighter wears in a hazardous environment, such as a house fire or a vehicle fire, anytime we’re breathing the air in and the environment is not safe. Those have a 15 year shelf life on them and we are coming up on our final packs expiring next year so we’re jumping straight into getting some new packs to reset that timer.”

100+ Men Red Rock will have another check presentation at the Marion County Humane Society on Thursday at 11 am. Hear more about Clay Township Fire and Rescue on today’s In Touch with South Central Iowa.