
Hairball has been announced as the entertainment for RAGBRAI’s overnight stop in Knoxville on July 24th. 

The well known 80’s tribute band has been performing for over 20 years and is going to hit the stage in downtown Knoxville this summer to play music that is recognized as some of the biggest arena acts in the world. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nathan Sage said this is a band that has become an attraction.

“The big thing for them is the draw of people. We want to make sure we have a good crowd. A good crows means more revenue in terms of vendors from the beer garden, to our food vendors. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to make some money and enjoy a good concert, a concert that we know has performed for RAGBRAI many times over the years. We know that the RAGBRAI group really loves Hairball so being on a Wednesday night we wanted to throw a good party because we know how to do that here in Knoxville, and we felt that Hairball was the best act we could.”

Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS for any updates relating to Hairball’s performance in Knoxville.