
The Knoxville School board approved new middle school English language arts curriculum at their meeting Monday night.

The new curriculum, called Amplify ELA, had been recommended to the board by middle school teachers and the school district director. The committee’s adoption process consisted of three phases including literacy research review, resource review and pilot selection, and pilot phase. The total cost for the new curriculum, which is a three year contract, is just over $40,000. Knoxville Community School District Superintendent Cassi Pearson says a lot of work went into this process.

“Anytime we do adoptions for curriculum it is time consuming, and they know how important it is. We want to get the very best materials in front of kids to help them learn and we know it’s a big investment for our dollars as well. They’ve put a lot of energy and effort into this and they’re very excited about the results so far.”

Hear more from Pearson on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.