
The Knoxville School Board approved a change order from Midwest Demolition Contractors at their meeting Monday night, and the project of the former middle school is expected to be completed on April 22nd. 

This change order was for $46,000 and is for footing under the old locker room area that was deeper than initially thought. KCSD Business Manager Craig Mobley says the district is still under budget from all the other bids they received.

“The footings that were located underneath the old locker room area did not match the prints. They were much larger and there was a lot more work involved to get those out. It brought up a change order. The total price of the contract with the change order is still significantly less than even the second highest bid was. We’re still very comfortable with this process.”

Mobley also says that one more change order for this project will be expected. The site of the former middle school is expected to be the future home of a new public safety/city hall facility.