
The Knoxville Music Boosters will be hosting a jazz night on the square on Saturday, April 27th.

This event will start at 5:30 pm and be held on the courthouse lawn. The concert will feature the Knoxville High School Jazz Band, Knoxville Middle School Jazz Band, and the percussion ensemble. This is an opportunity for the high school music department to showcase their music and talents for the community in an open setting. Knoxville High School Band Director Michael Hornback says this is a great opportunity for his students to be visible in the community. 

“As a band our number one job is not necessarily to compete. Music by its nature is not competitive, it’s meant to be shared. To give the jazz band another opportunity to be visible to community members is just great, and what better place to put them then right in the middle of town? If people are walking by and hear music they are going to come check out what’s going on, and hopefully that will just generate more support for the band and music program here in Knoxville.”

Hear more from Hornback and some of his students on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.