National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday and the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s Office of Drug Control Policy encourages Iowans to safely dispose of unused and unneeded medications.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while educating the public about the potential for the dangerous misuse of opioid pain relievers and other drugs. As part of the national Prescription Drug Take Back program, the DEA also allows the collection of vaping devices and e-cigarettes from individuals, if batteries are first removed from the devices. Locally, residents in Marion County can take excess medications to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office or to the Pella Police Department. In Warren County, residents can drop off their excess medications to the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.
The National Prescription Drug Take Back events on Saturday will operate from 10:00 am-2:00 pm.