Opportunities are available to sponsor RAGBRAI’s overnight stop in Knoxville on July 24th.
Different areas that are available for sponsorship include campground, opening act, first aid, food vendor row, the information tent, the map, and friends of Knoxville RAGBRAI. These sponsorship opportunities come with several benefits, including brand exposure. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nathan Sage says these sponsorships benefit the overnight stop along with local businesses.
“We know that it’s going to take a lot to pay for everything when it comes to this event, but we also know that we have businesses in town who want to be a part of the event in ways they can, whether financially, giving volunteers, or just in general. We wanted to give the opportunities to businesses to help sponsor stuff, get some name recognition, and some of the perks that come with the sponsorship.”
Marion County Bank is the volunteer sponsor for the event. If your business is interested in being a sponsor you can contact the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce at director@knoxvilleiachamber.com.