
The Knoxville Rotary Club awarded scholarships to 15 high school seniors at their meeting on Wednesday. 

The Rotary scholarship committee selects from a list of qualified applicants to choose who will be each year’s recipients. The scholarship committee is led by Chair Dr. Larry Formanek. Knoxville Rotary Club Co-President Jake Hughes says that Rotary fundraisers throughout the year to allow Rotary to be able to provide these scholarships. 

“Knoxville Rotary raises money through various projects throughout the year and a lot of that goes into our scholarship fund so that we’re able to provide scholarships for post-secondary education for local students. We have a very dedicated committee that sorts through a number of very qualified applicants for these scholarships every year.”

The 2024 Rotary Scholarship recipients include – Ella Breazeale, Caiden Myers, Lillian Wahl, Carson Uitermarkt, Kate Schneider, Gage Chapman, Tyce Huyck, Reece Spaur, Jay Kellar, Faith Roozeboom, Joss Groenendyk, Ciara Heffron, Anna Buttell, Natalie Collins, and Ella Rankin.