The Indianola City Council met in regular session Monday evening, which included the approval of the first reading of the plans, specs, form of contract, and cost of the South K Street Project.
After multiple changes, the South K Street Project includes a 12” cement-treated subgrade preparation with 3” asphalt pavement from the southern City limits to approximately 350 feet south of West 2nd Ave. Additionally, subgrade preparation with concrete pavement is proposed from approximately 350 feet south of West 2nd Ave to the West 2nd Ave intersection, incorporating a right turn lane on West 2nd Ave. The project also encompasses the replacement of major culverts, while maintaining roadside ditches to convey stormwater flow along the roadway.
City Clerk Jackie Raffety read the Oath of Office to new Firefighter/Paramedic Tracy Van Zante, and Mayor Pro Tem Steve Richardson read proclamations declaring May Building Safety Month and recognition for Public Employees. The council received an update from OPN Architects regarding the Public Safety and City Hall Building Project and authorized City Manager Ben Reeves to negotiate an agreement for a Construction Manager at Risk with Ryan Companies. The council approved a $300 fine for violations in Iowa Code from Indy West regarding tobacco sales to underage individuals, awarded the contract on the Buxton Traffic Signal Project, an amendment to the City Council Policy Folder regarding the Event Application Policy, and an ordinance pertaining to the RAGBRAI stop later this summer for vendor booths and support stations.