
The City of Indianola received multiple grants from the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership as announced last week, including the Indianola Fire Department, Indianola Police Department, and Indianola Public Library.

The Indianola Fire Department received a pair of grants for safety items. A grant for $5,000 for a ROLLNRACK Power Roller, a system designed to drain, roll, transport and load the fire hose onto the apparatus. After extinguishing a fire, three or four firefighters may remain on the scene to pick up the hose and be prepared for the next emergency, and the hose roller will help crews conserve energy, keep carcinogens off personal protective equipment and skin and help prevent unnecessary injuries.

The department also received a $3,000 grant for a Rapid Extrication Drag Device Sleds, which is a rapid extrication drag device that firefighters and EMS specifically created for their use, allowing for easy victim dragging while minimizing any risk of injury to the rescuer.

Find more information about the grants, click below.