An Indianola Municipal Utilities Line Crew traveled to the City of Greenfield and Greenfield Municipal Utilities to assist in restoring power and utilities after the city was devastated by a tornado on Tuesday.
Indianola Municipal Utilities is a participant in the Mutual Aid Program within the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities, and has previously received aid from Winterset and Denison when strong winds caused extensive damage in Indianola.
While the damage in Warren County was not nearly as significant in Greenfield, Warren County Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Bass tells KNIA News local areas that received damage include buildings in Indianola in addition to damage to trees, power lines, and homes, Greenfield Plaza, Spring Hill, Martensdale, Carlisle, and Hartford as of now. A full damage assessment will take place over the rest of the week.
Find more information about the Mutual Aid Program here.…/Mutual_Aid_Brochure_2019.pdf
*photo from Indianola Municipal Utilities Facebook