The Indianola High School Class of 2024 Senior Awards List has been released, honoring seniors for their accomplishments inside and outside of the classroom, fields of study, and volunteer hours among others. Twenty-five students were awarded with Silver Cord Recognition, which goes out to students who complete volunteer hours in the community, including honorees Calyn Hunerdosse for 685 hours, Elaine Merfeld for 360 hours, and Reagan Orey for 251 hours. Find a full list of awards below.
American Bar Association Citizenship Award – Grace Avitt
American Legion Citizenship Award – Elisa Flores and Jack Strong
John Monroe Honorary Award for Character – Sarah Lester and Matt Winjum
Recognition for Character – Brynn Bishop , Eli Fox, Kyra Robins, Justus Woell
E. Wayne Cooley Award – Gracie Foster
Iowa Girls Award – Kyra Robins
Bernie Saggau Award – Jackson Hilton
Governor Scholars Recognition – Erik Jensen and Michael Rothchild
Biological Science Award – Erik Jensen
Physical Science Award – Eli Fox
Overall Science Award – Michael Rothchild
Mathematics Award – Jack Howard and Michael Rothchild
English Writing Award – Carlyn Bruck
English Literature Award – Sam Burns
English Performing Arts Award – Rico Miller
English/Technical Theater – Larry Schippers
Journalism – Katie Raffety
World Language/German Award – Noah Klein and Sam Burns
World Language/French Award – Larry Schippers and Justus Woell
World Language/Spanish Award – Ella Gocken and Vincent Fox
History Award – Sam Burns
Family and Consumer Science Award – Tarah Cashen
Business Education Award – Lake Martin
Agriculture Award – Abby Tlach
Industrial Technology Award – Drew Danielson
Art Club Award – Rocky Golightly and Ella Van Roekel
Art Student Award – Rocky Golightly, Nico Miller, Toby Trotter
Instrumental Music John Phillip Sousa Award – Ryan Rosales Eide
Instrumental Music Louis Armstrong Award – Keegan Tilly
Instrumental Music Leonard Bernstein Award – Carly Schettler
Orchestra Award – Carly Schettler
Iowa Choir Directors Association Award – Matthew Winjum
Vocal Department Award – Rico Miller
Silver Cord Recognition:
Calyn Hunerdosse, Elaina Merfeld, Reagan Orey, Angelika Miller, Bryce Hageman, Aubrey Edgington, Brynn Bishop, Audrey Troutman, Carlyn Bruck, Autumn Campbell, Claudia Halgren, Ava Thomas, Eli Fox, Emma Forret, Kyra Robins, Grace Avitt, Macy Wente, Graham Hilton, Piper Dahl, Hailey Woederman, Sarah Lester, Jack Hilton, Sophie Andersen, Keely Greubel, Teegan Sauter