
Photos by David Thoreson, Vessels are Cloud Nine, owned by Roger Swanson, deceased, and Ocean Watch, Mark Schrader, Captain

The Pella Public Library will host Sailing Around the Americas, a 28,000-Mile Small Boat Journey next week.

The presentation by David Thoreson, will kick off the second year of the library’s Outdoor Adventure Series. Thoreson, a conservationist, photographer, author, and sailor from Lake Okoboji, was selected as the documentary photographer and filmmaker on a 13-month, 28,000-mile sailing voyage around the North and South American continents in 2009-2010. Thoreson took over 75,000 images during the adventure and will share them during his presentation. 

The program will be held in the library’s Meeting Room on Wednesday, June 5 at 6:30 pm, and is free and open to the public. For questions about this or other upcoming events, contact the library at 641-628-4268.