
In response to the release of an audit report from the Iowa State Auditor on May 30, the Knoxville Community School District has issued the following statement today:

“We would like to communicate the findings of the recent state audit conducted by the office of Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand. The audit, which was requested via a petition from some citizens, analyzed the use of funds from the $26,250,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2020. The audit report released on May 30, 2024, found no improper disbursements or noncompliance related to the use of the bond proceeds.

The petition raised concerns about the completion of HVAC work at Northstar Elementary and the construction of new District offices during the development of the new middle school. We want to address these concerns directly.

The HVAC improvements completed at Northstar involves work that could be afforded through the 2020 bond proceeds. The remainder of the project will be addressed once additional funding becomes available.

The decision to incorporate new District offices into the construction of the new middle school was made to save the district money. This move has allowed us to consolidate resources and improve operational efficiency, benefiting the entire Knoxville Community School District. The audit specifically highlighted this decision as a cost-saving measure for the district.

State Auditor Rob Sand’s report confirmed that the re-audit, which included an extensive review period from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023, did not identify any improper disbursements or noncompliance.

We are pleased with the audit findings, which validate our commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility. Our priority has always been and will continue to be, the best interests of our students, staff, and the Knoxville community.

We appreciate the continued support and trust of our community as we strive to provide the best possible educational environment for our students.”

For those interested in reviewing the complete audit report, it is available at”