
The Pella FFA held several activities to end the school year. The following articles were submitted by FFA students and Advisor Jacob Bowers:

Pella FFA Host Annual Drive Your Tractor To School Day

The Pella FFA hosted there annual Drive Your Tractor To School Day April 12th, ten of our members drove tractors and 13 rode in the wagon. We took the last half of the school day to drive past many nursing homes and schools such as the Garden Nursing homes, the Cottages, Pella Manner, Lincoln Elementary, and Madison elementary school.

Respectfully submitted,
Payten Tucker

Pella FFA Attends State FFA Convention
The Pella Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter made waves at the recent State FFA Convention held on April 15-16, 2024. With a delegation of 15 dedicated members, the chapter actively participated in various events and left a mark of excellence.

One of the highlights of the convention was the engagement of Pella FFA members in observing the state public speaking contests and contributing to the noble cause of packaging Meals from the Heartland. This hands-on experience not only enriched their understanding but also instilled a sense of service and compassion within the members.

In the realm of academic competitions, Raegan Decious, Kia Lehman, and Jace Peterson showcased their skills in the State Biotechnology contest, earning a commendable bronze rating. Their dedication and hard work were evident, reflecting the commitment of Pella FFA towards fostering excellence in agricultural sciences.

Furthermore, the convention offered valuable insights through motivational speeches delivered by esteemed personalities. Notably, attendees were inspired by the words of Nick Tokon from Deadliest Catch and National FFA officer Kanyon Huntington, who shared their experiences and wisdom with the young minds, igniting a spark of motivation and determination.

On the second day of the convention, the Pella FFA Chapter celebrated a momentous occasion as Raegan Decious, Anna German, Calleigh VanderWilt, and Caleb VanEssen were awarded their State FFA Degrees. This prestigious recognition symbolizes their outstanding achievements and commitment to the FFA values of leadership, personal growth, and agricultural advocacy.

The success of the Pella FFA Chapter at the State FFA Convention serves as a testament to their dedication, passion, and collaborative spirit. As they continue their journey in agriculture and leadership, the chapter remains poised to make significant contributions to their community and beyond.

Respectfully submitted, Jacob Bowers – Pella FFA Advisor

2024 Annual Pella FFA Banquet
Back on March 26th, 2024, the Pella FFA Chapter hosted its annual banquet. We were able to hand out awards, and to show recognition for all of the chapter’s accomplishments over the last year!

Honorary Chapter recipients: Cheri Westerkamp, Codi DeBruin, Kelly Decious, and Marv Klein

Sarabeth Decious performed the FFA Creed written by E.M. Tiffany in Spanish. To which she received a Gold rating, and first place at the district level.
Shaela Van Wyk received the Van Maanan Chemical Scholarship

Recipients of the Pella FFA Alumni and Friends scholarship: Shaela Van Wyk, Conner Westerkamp, Calleigh Vander Wilt, Dylan Van Dyke, and Issac Treimer

Every fall the chapter hosts an annual Fruit Sales fundraiser. This year they were able to sell over 32 thousand dollars. The top three FFA-selling members were; Anna German in third place, Elizabeth Thomas in second place, and Abbey Votava in first place with over $5,000 dollars sold.

Star awards are given to outstanding members of the chapter each year. The star of Greenhand this year was Evan Dykstra. Kia Lehman received the Star Chapter Award. Our last star award is Star Farmer. Shaela Van Wyk received this award.

We also installed the new officer team for this upcoming year:
President: Caleb VanEssen
Vice President: Raegan Decious
Secretary: Sydne DeJong
Reporter: Anna German
Treasurer: Katie Meyer
Setinal: Kia Lehman
Chaplin: Abbey Votava

Respectfully submitted,
Anna German, Pella FFA Reporter