
The Knoxville School Board special election will be held Tuesday, July 16th.

This special election is to fill a vacancy after the resignation of former school board member Susan Swartzendruber. At the Knoxville School Board meeting held on May 27th, a petition was presented to the board with 478 signatures to request the special election. At that same meeting, the board interviewed two interested candidates to fill the vacancy by appointment, but two separate appointment motions by the board failed. Marion County Auditor Jake Grandia says this special election will be just like any other election in the county besides a couple minor changes.

“Everything will run and operate just like a normal election, other than the time. The filing officer for schools is the school district business office, so any nomination papers and affidavit of candidacy will need to be submitted to the school business office. The filing period is open through June 21st at 5:00 pm with them and they will certify those results with us.”

The special election is estimated to cost between $12,000-$15,000.