
The annual Melcher-Dallas Coal Miner’s Day celebration runs this Friday through Sunday. EMS Director Laurie Goff says that the Melcher-Dallas Fire Department has hosted the event for 46 years, and adds that the event celebrating the community’s history as a coal mining town has seen growth in recent years.

“So, this was handed down to the fire department in 1978, so we’ve been doing this for quite a long time. Initially, it was for two days and weekend events, and then we kind of went down to one day for a while, but now we’re back at two days again, trying to bring in some new activities and different things for the community and for surrounding communities as well, so everybody can come and have a great time.”

Hear more about the Melcher-Dallas Coal Miner’s Day celebration from Laurie Goff on today’s In Touch with South Central Iowa.