The Indianola City Council discussed the expansion of the Willowcrest area at their work session Monday, which is still in early development. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the city and council wanted to look at how best to go about developing one of the most likely areas of expansion for the city, while also taking advantage of current amenities such as the Summerset Trail.
“We’re at a brainstorming stage, and we are looking at how best to make those connections in both a cost effective way, yeah you can build a bridge over anything and spend a lot of money, so how to do it in a cost effective way but also one that is a long-term benefit of the community and respects the property out there. We don’t want to divide properties illogically and suddenly somebody gets their property cut in half. We want to make sure we are following section lines, and support the future development of those parcels.”
To listen to the full interview, click below.