The Knoxville City Council approved a contract to assist in preparation of a new comprehensive plan.
The city approved a contract with MSA Professional Services for $20,000 after three consulting firms submitted proposals. The current Knoxville comprehensive plan was approved in December of 2017, and since that time, considerable changes have occurred in Knoxville, including the acquisition and initial development of the Veterans District, the development of the first of two expected multi-residential projects by Kading Properties, a considerable number of downtown revitalization projects, and the City and County-prepared Housing Needs Assessments. Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery says she was happy with MSA’s proposal.
“Overall we thought MSA had a great concept and how we would be conducting the public input sessions, how we would be conducting the outcome of the final plan, and overall we were happy with their proposal and decided to recommend that to the council.”
Hear more from Ussery on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.