
The Knoxville RAGBRAI Executive Committee is making a final plea for volunteers ahead of the overnight stop on Wednesday.

The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa will be rolling into Knoxville on Wednesday, and although the community has had a large number of volunteers step up, there are still more needed. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nathan Sage says that there are multiple ways to contribute.. 

“The biggest areas that we need help in right now are three main areas. Beverage garden, we will never turn down anyone there, the campground and sanitation area as well as hospitality. Those are the three areas we want to make sure we have plenty of volunteers for so that way we can make sure our volunteers have breaks, make sure they’re not overworked, and make sure everyone enjoys what they’re doing.”

If you would like to volunteer you can call the Chamber of Commerce office or follow this link. Hear all about RAGBRAI’s overnight stop from Sage on Monday’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.