
The Knoxville overnight RAGBRAI stop was filled with a whole day of entertainment and Hairball took the stage to cap off the festivities

The well-renowned rock and roll cover band helped cap off Knoxville RAGBRAI’s overnight stay and the concert which took place on the downtown square saw a huge crowd. The band played a large variety of hits from the 70’s and 80’s. There were also four other musical acts throughout the day in Knoxville, including Mason Hatch, Neva Alden, Lucas Bebee, and the Punching Pandas. Hairball has been popular with RAGBRAI in the past and Knoxville was no exception this year. KNIA/KRLS spoke to Hairball Lead Singer Dave Moody before the concert and he said that the band loves playing RAGBRAI.

“It’s so awesome. Last year we did it in Ames and I think there were 25,000 people out there to watch us play and preach the gospel. I’m here to tell you right now that the people of Knoxville are going to get the same show and maybe even a little bit harder this year.”

Hear more from Moody about the concert on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.