
Two of the three project applications submitted by the City of Knoxville have been awarded federal housing tax credits by the Iowa Economic Development Authority.

The two projects that were awarded credits and will move forward are a Hugerich Holdings LLC project, which will consist of 36 market rate rental units in Block A of the Veterans District, and five new homes which will be constructed by Origin Homes in the Veterans District. The proposed new Kading housing project did not receive the award and it is unclear at this time if they will move forward. The city and Kading have put in a significant amount of work preparing for this future development and Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery hopes they decide to continue development.

“I’m not sure what that means for this project right now. We’ll definitely be in communication with Kading and see what that means for them. We’re hoping that we are still able to make that work and they will continue to develop here in Knoxville.”

The new Kading development would be 247 rental units.