
Blues Music will fill Newton’s Maytag Park tomorrow as the South Skunk Blues Society’ holds their annual 

Bowlful of Blues at Maytag Bowl. Several local and international blues artists will be performing from noon to 9 p.m. on Sunday. South Skunk Blues Society President Mike Cooling says there are four featured acts.

“We are opening with the Sears Band led by Jim Sears. They are a local favorite. We have the Steve E. George Band. Steve is an Iowa Blues Hall of Fame member who played with “The Blue Band” years ago. Brandon Santini is our third act. He travels nationally, plays the harp and does vocals. Our headline is the Avey Grouws Band. They started as a local bar band and are touring internationally now.”

Advance tickets are $25, while admission is available at the gate starting at 11 a.m. Sunday for $30 cash. Kids 12 and under are free. Food trucks will be on site and there will be a number of family-friendly activities, such as face painting and balloons. Bring chairs or blankets, and coolers are welcome with no glass bottles. For more information, visit the South Skunk Blues Society Facebook page.