
The City of Indianola is currently in the early planning stages of their facilities plan, titled “Vision 2030.”

City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News a part of the new facility plan not only includes a public safety building and city hall, but a new library facility. Reeves said the city will need public feedback on the plans for the new library.

“One aspect we will need a lot of community engagement on is our new library. We envision the library being an anchor to the 6th Street Sub Area which is behind the grain elevators, to change a blighted industrial into a walkable community with a great community asset as the anchor in the library. But peoples input in that is very important. So we will have a lot of community engagement, working with the library board, friend of the library, and library staff, to make it a great product that will last our community for decades to come.”

To listen to the full interview click below.