With school several weeks in, Indianola School District Superintendent Tara Paul is excited about the direction the district is going for her first school year in the position. Paul tells KNIA News the students and community have been behind her from day one, and they have welcomed her with open arms and the students have been ready to work and get into the classroom.
“We have had a really good start. You kind of hold your breath because you want that to continue, but we really across the board, across the district have had a really good start and we are so proud of how our students have acted. Right now we are kind of in a strange educational place in the world, and our students have just been a class act. Many students were at the Indianola/Norwalk football game last Friday night, and you could see that. Students were having a good time, but they were respectful of each other and our opponents, and that’s what we want to see and that’s what we do see in our buildings every day.”
To listen to the full interview, click below.