Approving plans and setting the bid opening date for interior work on the new clubhouse being built at Westwood Golf Course highlight the agenda for tonight’s Newton City Council meeting. Previous work on the project has included asbestos abatement, demolition, site grading, utilities, and exterior improvements. All have been completed or awarded. This upcoming phase of work will complete interior improvements, including mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, finished floors, and interior walls. City staff says plans and specifications have been prepared by design and engineering firm ISG in Des Moines, and are ready to be placed out for bid. The Newton City Council is being asked to set the bid opening for October 14th, 2024, and the public hearing to award the work will take place at the regularly scheduled council meeting October 21st. The estimated construction cost is $500,000, which will be paid from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds. Tonight’s meeting begins at 6 p.m.