
The City of Newton is going to use up to $2.9 million of Water Revenue Bonds to pay for projects and equipment directly related to the operation of the Water Department. These projects and equipment include water meters, pump station equipment, wells, water treatment plant improvements and water lines. Newton City Administrator Matt Muckler says those are the most pressing capital needs in the City’s water system. He also notes only water department revenue will pay off the loan.

“So in other words…the bills people pay for water. That money can go to pay that loan back. No property tax dollars or any other City revenue will be used to pay off that loan.”

According to Muckler, the city tries to maintain good infrastructure throughout the community. He notes that includes the water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. Newton City Administrator Matt Muckler will talk more about action taken during this week’s City Council meeting on today’s Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Let’s Talk Newton.