
The Pella Area Community and Economic Alliance presented a check to local first responders for proceeds from the annual charity golf outing held this summer.

Tim Te Grootenhuis with the PACE Alliance board says they donated $6,500 to the annual Holiday Heroes program, which brings Pella Police, Fire, and Ambulance personnel together to shop for Christmas gifts in December with Pella-area elementary students.

“The Committee not only wanted a fun networking event where PACE Members could engage, but we wanted to do something to give back to the Pella area. Our first responders are the heartbeat of our community, tirelessly working to keep us safe. We are grateful to support their Holiday Heroes event, celebrating our first responders’ dedication to selflessly giving back to those they serve. Together we were able to fundraise and honor their incredible efforts.”

For several years, the PACE Alliance annual golf outing has benefitted the three emergency response groups in Pella.

Hear more about the latest with the PACE Alliance on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.