
Part of the $6,400,000 dollar general obligation bond the Jasper County Board of Supervisors are asking voters to approve would go to county conservation department projects. Jasper County Conservation Director Keri Van Zante says these projects are not well known. She notes some bond revenue would be used at the soon to be built Nature and Environmental Education Center.

“Part of the bond is not for the building, but to outfit the classrooms. Computers, desks, education materials, those sorts of things are what we need the funding for.”.

Van Zante says ground will be broken this fall on that 7,000-square ft. building by the Jasper County Jail and Sheriff’s Office. The vote on the bond referendum, which would include revenue for a new Secondary Roads Maintenance Building and shop, is set for Tuesday, November 5th. You can listen to Jasper County Conservation Director Keri Van Zante talk about more local Conservation projects that would receive bond funds on today’s Let’s Talk Newton.