
Mayor Don DeWaard and City Administrator Mike Nardini made a proposal for a land donation from the Pella Community School District at Monday’s Pella School Board meeting.

As part of the request, the city is asking the school to donate 25 acres of land near Madison Elementary for future housing development. DeWaard described the move as a way for the Pella School District to contribute indirectly to construction of a new rec center. He estimated the land could generate close to $1 million, based on average valuation in the area.

The Pella School Board largely looked for more details — ranging from concerns about donating an asset during tough budget times, to asking for some influence in what type of development the city should recruit or sell to, to what benefits at the rec center the school would receive long-term.

DeWaard and Superintendent Greg Ebeling also both clarified any offer could be contingent on the Pella City Council voting in favor of construction of a rec center — i.e., if they decide against the effort, the land would stay with the school district.

During regular business, the board approved the certified annual report at their regular meeting on Monday. The treasurer’s report about finances from the 2023-24 school year is filed with the Iowa Department of Education annually. The board also discussed potential uses for 25 acres of school-owned property near Madison Elementary and tabled a contract for HVAC screening at Jefferson Intermediate School, the special education supplement to modify Allowable Growth, and the second reading of the 300 series of district policies. A series of reports were also given by all district administrators. The board then reviewed questions for legislators as they are invited to attend the October 14th work session.