
Information about Jasper County’s special November 5th county-wide bond election will be shared via a Zoom meeting tonight. The  Jasper County Supervisors are asking voters to approve $6,400,000 in general obligation or capital loan notes to pay for a new Secondary Roads maintenance building and shop. Some of the money would also be used by Jasper County Conservation to furnish a classroom at the yet to be built Environmental Education Center. The Conservation Department would also use bond revenue to create an outdoor Archery Range with equipment by that center, and build new maintenance shops at Mariposa Recreational Area and Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve. Bond revenue would also cover the cost of transforming the former Jasper County Animal Rescue League building, southeast of the County Sheriff’s Department and Jail, into a Sheriff’s Office Training Facility. If voter’s pass the referendum, County Board Chairman Brandon Talsma says no tax increase would be involved and no services or equipment needs sacrificed.

“We will not be raising taxes. We have significant debt coming off the books next year, We will just try to maintain that debt service levy and our large capital projects moving forward, so we don’t have a spike in property taxes”

The Jasper County Supervisors have scheduled town hall meetings, virtual town halls, and other opportunities for the public to find out more information about the bond issue. The first Zoom town hall meeting was September 10th. Tonight’s is at 6:30 p.m. For information on how to participate, and the dates and times of other informational meetings, go to and click on this story

Zoom Meetings:
September 24th at 6:30pm
Meeting ID: 942 0797 5594
Passcode: 958806

October 22nd at 6:30pm
Meeting ID: 974 8592 8298
Passcode: 356165

In person meetings:
October 10th at 6:30pm in Baxter, Community Building/City Hall
October 17th at 6:30pm in Newton, Admin Building, Large Conference Room, 315 W. 3rd St. N.
October 24th at 6:30pm in Kellogg, Amboy Grange Building, 220 High Street

Secondary Shop Open House | October 29 | 6pm-7pm | 4800 Liberty Avenue