
A Kansas man has been arrested in rural Bussey for alleged sexual abuse and child endangerment.

According to court records, on September 29th, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office started a sexual assault investigation regarding a defendant, Douglas McPeters– also known as Douglas Followill. McPeters is currently wanted out of the state of Kansas and is a registered sex offender. On September 26th, a minor was staying at the same residence as McPeters and told police he abused her while sleeping. 

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office referenced the Iowa Sex Offender Registry and found McPeters had previously been required to register in Iowa, but now had an “inactive” status due to his residency through the State of Kansas. A deputy spoke with the defendant’s probation officer in Kansas, who advised that the defendant had not notified him of the residency change, per his requirement, and also had an outstanding arrest warrant.. Deputies spoke with the residents at the Bussey address who advised that the defendant had been residing with them for weeks at a time for several months. The defendant failed to notify any agency, specifically Marion County, of those residing with him at the Bussey address, per his requirement. Two of the residents were juveniles and the defendant is not the legal guardian, and it was also determined that the defendant had periods of time at the residence where he had unsupervised access with the juveniles.

McPeters is charged with assault with intent to commit sexual abuse, lascivious conduct with a minor, two counts of child endangerment, and two counts for violating the sex offender registry.