Jasper County Sheriff John Halferty strongly supports the County Board of Supervisors’ decision this week to contribute $8,000 to EMT training across the County.
“I am going to tell you right now, for EMT in advance I would not have paid for it myself if my department did not help me out because I am a volunteer. This is the easiest no-brainer investment I’ve ever seen.”
Even with the County funding, those who take the $1,900 EMT class have to pay for it upfront. They will get reimbursed once they complete and pass the class, as long as there’s still funding available. Sheriff Halferty says on each ambulance call, these volunteers with local EMS departments will spend two to four hours at all times of the day and night caring for a patient. In addition…they spend time taking care of equipment, getting additional training, and doing monthly audits and inspections.
“I am telling you, volunteerism is dying and we have got to do something sooner than later.”
Jasper County Emergency Management Agency Director Jamey Robinson requested the County EMT training funds, and plans to add another $8,000 to that from his department’s budget.