The Pella City Council approved a resolution to authorize an application for a grant related to the proposed rec center project at their meeting Tuesday evening. It authorizes city staff to submit an application for the Iowa Economic Development Authority Community Attraction and Tourism grant in the amount of $500,000.
The council also approved a partnership agreement with Kick It Forward for a new mini-pitch at Caldwell Park, with the organization paying for a new system and covering the $150,000 cost. It will expand the concrete of the east basketball court. A public hearing was also scheduled on November 5th for an asphalt overlay for the Pella Airport access road.
Public hearings were held and the first reading of ordinances were approved for two re-zoning requests by Eric Slycord for properties at 210 and 212 West First Street and 818 Huber Street.
Special event permits were also approved for Fab Foodie Fridays by Spirit of Pella and for fireworks at Central College following Pella’s home football game against Gilbert on October 26th.
Following regular business, an extensive policy and planning was held, including a financial update about ongoing deficit spending in the general fund, results of a study conducted for Pella Community Ambulance, potential lead water service lines, an elected official code of conduct, and other project updates from City Administrator Mike Nardini. Hear the meeting below: