Jasper County residents who cast a ballot in Tuesday’s General Election will be voting on a contested State Representative race, two County Board of Supervisor races, and a $6.4-million Bond Referendum. 38th District State Representative Jon Dunwell of Newton is being challenged by Colfax Democrat Brad Magg. Current Republican Jasper County Supervisor Doug Cupples of Newton is opposed by Independent candidate and Newton small business owner Jerry Chandler. The Supervisor seat that Denny Carpenter held before his death this past December is being sought by former Republican County Chairman Thad Nearmyer and Independent candidate and Newton small business owner Randy Ray. Former Jasper County Supervisor Denny Stevenson was appointed to Carpenter’s seat, but is not running to remain in the position. The $6.4-million dollar Bond Referendum the County Supervisors want voters to approve would help fund a new Secondary Roads Department maintenance building and shop, new maintenance shops at Mariposa Recreational Area and Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve, and the conversion of the former Jasper County Animal Rescue League building into a Sheriff’s Office Training Facility. There are 18 polling sites in Jasper County. For a complete list and other Jasper County election information, go to https://jaspercountyelections.iowa.gov/