The Pella High School robotics team maintained a 4th place ranking in the twenty three team Des Moines Metro league with a 3-3 record on Saturday, November 23rd. The Dutch started by scoring 62 points in their first match, but averaged a 103 point offensive attack to finish the day on a positive note.
Coach Brent Ewell says the Bionic Dutch are known for their ability to consistently score field elements in the difficult high goal located in the corner of the playing field. This Saturday, the team also introduced phase one of a difficult computer program allowing the team to consistently score high goal points during the first thirty seconds autonomous portion of each match.
Next up for the Robotics team is the December 14 meet which will be held at the Pella High School for the first time in school history. All twenty three robotics teams from the central Iowa league are scheduled to compete. Admission is free and fans can get an up close look at the fast action of FIRST robotics.