The Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce held the annual Jasper County Lighted Holiday Festival on Friday night.
Christmas lights on the Jasper County Courthouse in downtown Newton were turned on for the first time at 6 pm, and was followed by the first lighted Christmas parade since 2019. Children in attendance were able to visit with Santa in his workshop on the north side of the square, and a variety of vendors were set up around the courthouse. Executive Director of the Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce KayLea Marchant says that she was thrilled to see a great turnout for the event in spite of the cold temperatures.
“We had, I’ll say nice weather, it was cold but it was nice weather. And there was a line for Santa and there was a line for the parade so that’s all we can ask for.”
The KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio was also at the event providing updates and playing Christmas music.