
A restructuring within the Jasper County Engineer’s Office continued Tuesday as the Jasper County Board of Supervisors approved the creation of five hourly Crew Leader positions. County Engineer Mike Frietsch explained this is a job title change and not a change in personnel. The Crew Leaders replace the current Foreman positions.

“Paywise we are taking the Skilled Labor Wage Table rate and adding a one dollar an hour supplemental for these Crew Leader positions. So it will not be like a grade six working Foreman. It will actually be less than what the working Foremen are getting paid.”

Three new hires were also approved by the Jasper County Board of Supervisors Tuesday. Gabriel Frew will begin working as a Deputy Sheriff on January 6, 2025. He still has to attend the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. Current part-time 9-1-1 dispatcher Courtney Vander Hart will go full-time on January 4, 2025. Peter Chatfield starts immediately as a part-time skilled laborer in the Secondary Roads Department.