The Newton City Council has reached consensus on the preferred site for an eight-stall city owned dog kennel. The city-owned site is the Iowa Speedway pump station southeast of the speedway, and directly east of the Iowa Speedway Drive and Lincoln Street intersection. Newton Police Chief Rob Burdess has been heavily involved in finding a city owned site for the kennel since Parkview Animal Hospital in Newton terminated a longstanding animal control contact with the city in mid-October. He told Newton City Council members last night the remote pump station property checks of all the proper boxes.
“There is water, electric, and sanitary sewer on site, which is unique compared to the other possible sites. This is the cheapest location for the facility. The ground is already level so no leveling or site work is needed.”
The Newton Police Chief says the property is 700 feet from the closest residence and is currently zoned commercial. It will have to be rezoned by the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission in order for the dog kennel to be added there. This location is one of 17 city-owned sites that were looked at for the $84,831 commercial dog kennel that is currently being stored at 500 West 7th Street North in Newton. Chief Burdess expects the City Council to vote on the Iowa Speedway site in late January or early February.
The Newton City Council last night also approved a new five year contract with Iowa Inspections LLC of Ackworth. They will continue to do regular inspections of rental housing in the city.