
As part of the final week of Hy-Vee Food Drive Fridays, the KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio made its final stop at the Pella Hy-Vee store on Friday.

The goal of the event is to encourage donations to local food shelves and other programs in the area. Hy-Vee shoppers interested in participating can make a donation to local food banks at the stores, or by delivering items they purchase directly to local food banks. District Director of the Hy-Vee stores in Pella and Oskaloosa Dalton Buck says that he has enjoyed seeing the community’s efforts to combat food insecurity locally.

“It’s been pretty cool to see everybody that has been participating, people that have been dropping off items at the front of the store. The holiday season in Pella has been pretty amazing so far just in general.”

Pella Hy-Vee Store Manager CJ Porterfield added that he is grateful for their partnership with the Pella Community Food Shelf.

“The food shelf does a lot for our community and we try to help out in any way that we can, so being able to part with them for this event has been great.”

The KNIA/KRLS News team also featured area food pantries and other services helping with local hunger during special edition news magazines.