Newton Boys Wrestling 6th, Pella 8th, Knoxville 12th, at the Bill Van Horn Invitational
Pella Girls Wrestling 15th at the Bubba Randles Winter Classic
Pella Christian Boys Bowling 2210, Knoxville 1997
Oskaloosa 2863, Knoxville Boys Bowling 1997
Knoxville Girls Bowling 1625, Pella Christian 1536
Oskaloosa 2100, Knoxville Girls Bowling 1625
Newton Girls Wrestling 4th, Knoxville 11th at Chariton
Indianola Girls Wrestling at ADM – 10am
Norwalk Boys Bowling 2837 Newton 2700
Norwalk Girls Bowling 2234 Newton 2052
PCM Wrestling 7th Fort Madison Invitational
Pleasantville Boys Wrestling 3-2 at Home Duals
Simpson Women’s Basketball 69, Lawrence 50
Simpson Men’s Basketball 87, Wisc Whitewater 71