
 The annual Organizational Meeting for the Jasper County Board of Supervisors was held Thursday and Brandon Talsma was retained as board chairman for another year. This will be Talsma’s third straight year as chair. Newly elected County Supervisor Thad Nearmyer was named Vice Chairman.

Talsma says working on the County Board of Supervisors is a collaborative effort, and a lot of personal time and responsibility goes into it.

“I always remind people that no one of us can do one thing, we have to work together. It’s also unique because we have to look out for employees, but we also have to look out for the citizens of Jasper County and their tax dollars at the same time. We take those roles and responsibilities extremely seriously.”

The Jasper County Board of Supervisors also passed a resolution Thursday that sets their 2025 regular meetings for 9:30 a.m. on the first four Tuesdays of each month in the Board of Supervisors Room at the Jasper County Courthouse in Newton. 

Jasper County Board of Supervisors Chairman Brandon Talsma reviews county government highlights from 2024 on today’s Let’s Talk Newton.